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Cryptocurrency: The Future's Hidden Ingredient



Everyone has a go-to dish that they can prepare without even looking. While some recipes come with simple instructions that anybody can follow, others have more involved steps. You might wonder what the connection is between food and cryptocurrency, but have you ever considered it to be the key component of the financial system of the future? The world discovers the significance of the top-secret formula that nobody wants to share. The future of money and international trade is cryptocurrency. We at HexaAi focus on making cryptocurrency transfers simple, convenient, and reliable for all of your deals. Since the appearance of the first cryptocurrency in 2010, the number of large numbers has increased and we can say that the financial market is rapidly integrating cryptocurrencies. The benefits of this feature extend beyond cryptocurrency trading. This affects both the world at large and the way transactions will be made in the future. When it comes to payments, this money from the future will help small businesses thrive. Currently, some facilities accept bitcoin as a payment method. This does not exclude other economic sectors, including education, healthcare, and the creative industries. It is a reality that has not yet been demonstrated but is unquestionably true that cryptocurrency will replace fiat as the common language of money in ten years.


The peer-to-peer system is in charge of keeping track of the digital currency, which is encrypted in a "hash," or a string of data. Cryptocurrency has the power to prevent fraud and chargebacks because it cannot be counterfeited and is exchanged in real-time. Cryptocurrency can be used by anyone in a world where there are around 2.2 billion internet users and mobile phone owners.
Investments in cryptocurrencies are risky, though. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are similarly prone to loss or theft, claim Caroline Healey and Natalie Ross of the Council on Foundations. To spend or exchange cryptocurrency after purchasing it, you'll need a password. Password forgotten? These passwords are incomprehensible and cannot be reset in order to maintain the networked trust and online security that enable cryptocurrency. According to estimates, individuals have lost over 3 million Bitcoin due to forgotten passwords, which, at the highest market value of Bitcoin, amounts to $20 billion.
One bitcoin was worth $20,000 in December 2017, but as of December 24, 2018, it was only worth $4,010.99. People all across the world are buying cryptocurrencies despite the fact that the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has experienced peaks and falls. Numerous people are still turning to cryptocurrencies to utilize them for "good," whether they are doing so for philanthropic purposes or investing in them for personal benefit.


A blockchain platform is used by Agroplexi for farming. They provide services such project funding, agricultural management, and capacity building. The farmers who work with Agroplexi are schooled on current farming techniques and how these methods affect the global environment as part of capacity building. The "web-based farm management system" offered by Agroplexi helps farmers keep track of data including costs, crop yields, and studies of soil amendments. Through a loan arrangement, Agroplexi's project financing program aids in financing both short- and long-term initiatives. "Our mission is to be the most desired network making financial inclusion feasible for farmers in the developing Market, stimulating access to finances through a decentralized block chain technology," reads Agroplexi's website.

Concentric Sky

Wayne Skipper started Concentric Sky in 2005, and it has now developed into a multi-award winning software development company. In 2008, Centric Sky and GoldMoney collaborated to develop an iOS application that allowed users to transfer digital gold units. Soon after, Concentric Sky and Encyclopedia Britannica collaborated to produce a number of educational apps for students in kindergarten through grade 12. In addition to these collaborations, Concentric Sky has also worked with organizations like NASA, PBS, the World Bank, National Geographic, the United Nations, Cengage Learning, Oregon State University, and others. The business has started more than 300 successful projects as of 2018.


MediChain is a "Medical Big-Data Platform" that was established in 2017. Patients may securely save and access their own medical data on their platform, which employs blockchain technology. On its website, MediChain states that its goal is to "better the care provided in hospitals and by doctors, assisting them to identify and resolve issues in their practices, hospitals, and healthcare systems and to aid the development of the next generation of novel therapies." Additionally, clinicians can access patient files using MediChain's software from anywhere. The software from MediChain also enables clinicians to access patient files from anywhere. According to the website for Medichain, "Patients, physicians, and hospitals will upload data into a compliant cloud that joins the MediChain ecosystem. The blockchain maintains pointers and guidelines for usage and anonymity, while the compliant cloud keeps the actual data off-chain. Individual electronic medical records systems will no longer be necessary because patients will have 24/7 access to their data and be able to grant certain portions of it to other institutions and medical professionals.

The Pineapple Fund

The "Pineapple Fund" was established in late 2017 after an anonymous donor named "Pine" gave more than $55 million to organizations and charities all over the world. The Pineapple Fund "donated $55 million of bitcoin to charities because once you have enough money, money doesn't matter," according to its website. The fund was a cryptocurrency-based "experiment in philanthropy." Pineapple Fund's website contains a post from "Pine" who says, "...chose to contribute the majority of my bitcoin to charities around the world, with an open application procedure and funding charities big and small. I concentrated on issues that I support or those I know from personal experience will be successful. 5104 BTC were converted into $55 million for charities in time for the 2017 crypto bubble. More than 60 charities, including Watsi, the Water Project, BitGive, Charity:Water, Pencils of Promise, Hearts & Homes for Refugees, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Women Who Tech, and others, have received funding from The Pineapple Fund.

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